We are a charity
The Heath Band is self-funding and relies on members’ subscriptions, ticket-sales and donations to keep going. We are delighted to have achieved Charitable Trust status recently and we would very much like you to feel that we’re your local Brass Band.
Registered charity no: 1191053
Become a Friend of Heath Band
You are warmly invited to become a Friend of Heath Band. Whether you are a former player, friend or family member, concert-goer or supporter we’d love to hear from you, and for a small donation each year, you could receive:
A free concert ticket of your choice
Invitation to an Open rehearsal once per term
Invitation to the end of term informal concerts
Poll for the ‘Friends Piece’ at Leighton Buzzard Bandstand concert
A copy of the members’ newsletter
Inclusion of your name on the Friends list
Friends’ donations:
Individual Friend; £35 per year
Couples Membership; £55 per year
All donations may be ‘Gift Aided’